Celebrate this Rakhi with a 99Pandit Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) puja samagri kit. Rakhi is a festival of Sanatan culture celebrated on the day of the full moon in the Shravan month. We offer high-quality rakhi puja kit materials, carefully chosen and catalogued by a team of expert pandits. The kit is prepared to keep in mind the religious practice that follows Sanatan Vedic tradition. Send rakhi to India if you are living aborad.
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated in the month of Sawan, which is called Shravani. The authentic name of this festival is Rakshika (Rakhi), which is also referred to as Shravani, Surakshasutra, Rakshadhaga, etc. In Raksha Bandhan, Rakhi or Raksha sutra is essential, a popular tradition that shows the special bond between brother and sister.
Originating from Rakshika, a raw thread may be coloured silk thread, kalava, gold or silver, etc. The term Raksha means protection, and Bandhan states binding, which is a pure bond; it implies a sister ties the brother with the bond of protection, Raksha sutra.
On the day of the Raksha Bandhan festival, the ritual starts with the sister worshipping Lord Ganesha and other deities to seek her brother's prosperity and growth. Later, the sister feeds her brother sweets and ties a Rakshasutra by applying tilak on his forehead.
Hence, shop.99Pandit is here to make your rakhi happen. A complete, seamless rakhi puja samagri kit will be packed in a box with all the needed items and delivered to your doorstep. Now, the time has come to say goodbye to running the shop and standing in the crowd. We have prepared the puja samagri kit for Raksha Bandhan only after consulting with Pandit Ji.
This Rakhi brings Raksha Bandhan puja samagri kit to your home to help you celebrate the festival with ease in today’s fast-paced life.
Raksha Bandhan Puja Samagri Kit (Item 10) |
Rakhi |
Chuda Rakhi |
Akshat |
Moli |
Rose Water |
Thali |
Sindoor |
Camphor |
Match Box |
Dairy Milk |
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